Health Testing

It’s important to understand there are potential health issues that are known to affect any breed and the Cane Corso can be subseptible to a few genetic issues as well. Even though we can not guarantee a puppy to be 100% free of any congenital health issues. We do take extra precautionary measures to reduce the chances of breeding undesirable traits to lessen your puppy’s likelihood of inheriting these genetic health conditions. It is also important to know that diet, exercise, environment, and genetics can all factor into whether a dog develops a health condition or disease later in life. When you acquire your new puppy its very important to be aware of things you can do at home to prevent health issues later.


Click on the selection below to learn more about Health testing you can perform on your dogs with your Veterinarian.

PennHip Evaluation

The AIS PennHIP method has strong scientific foundation as the most effective hip screening tool available for dogs. We recommend discussing this type of testing with your Veterinarian between the age of 1-2 years.


Hip dysplasia is a common skeletal condition when the hip joint ball doesnt fit into the socket properly and there is laxity in the joint and causes pain for the affected dog. Screenings for Hip Dysplasia are performed by our veterinarian with x-rays.
PennHIP requires the dog to be anesthetized. Three radiographs are taken to measure the hip joint laxity. A score between 0-1 is assigned, with 0 being very tight hips and 1 being very loose. Click to learn more!


Elbow dysplasia is an inherited polygenic disease in the elbow. Elbow dysplasia is based on the presence of degenerative joint disease/osteoarthritis in the elbow joint. When there is instability of the elbow joint due to elbow dysplasia the dog will have a limp and in severe cases may not be able to use his limb and could require surgery. It’s important to understand that the home environment you provide your puppy is the foundation to their developmental growth stages! We recommend to research proper development with their growth plates & age appropriate exercises to ensure proper growth. Click to learn more!